Monday 31 October 2016


Self-esteem is simply how you feel about yourself, how you feel about your abilities and limitations. When you have an healthy self -esteem, you feel good about yourself and see yourself as deserving the respect of others. Self-esteem is healthy if, it isn't too high or too low but just right. A lot of factors contributes in moulding one's self -esteem and they include; your own thoughts and perception, how others react to you, experiences at work, home, and in the community, disability, culture or religion and status in the society. But one good factor, is that your own thoughts have the biggest impact on your self-esteem. Also just like any other thing, healthy self -esteem can be learnt. So therefore, your journey to healthy self esteem begins with you.
1. Ask yourself this; What qualities do i need to possess to make me feel better about myself? Its no doubt that we humans have limitations in some areas of life. It could be in body features, knowledge capacity, skills etcetera, that is because no one is perfect. You might have a good body feature which others admire but also be unintelligent as some others. If this be the case, you can further develop your mental prowess by learning some more. In the case of enhancing your look, there are good options you can consider such as; exercising, eating healthy, practicing good hygiene and dressing smart .
2. Set goals:Self -esteem is further developed when you set goals that are meaningful and important to you,and you follow through to make it happen. It send a clear message to your brain that says " i can do all that i set my mind to do". With this feeling, you can achieve greater things.
3. Practice forgiveness: Often times, we act in ways that are beyond our control, and we often wish that the action was never carried out. But has we say, what has happened, has happened. The quicker we convince ourselves to let go,the better for us. Having an healthy self -esteem doesn't mean you won't fail or you won't find yourself in embarrassing moments. The question is; how do you handle it? Do you keep on dwelling on the mistake? If the answer to this is yes? Ask yourself, has that helped to change the situation, if no; then let it go for your mistakes don't define you.

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