Monday 31 October 2016


Self-esteem is simply how you feel about yourself, how you feel about your abilities and limitations. When you have an healthy self -esteem, you feel good about yourself and see yourself as deserving the respect of others. Self-esteem is healthy if, it isn't too high or too low but just right. A lot of factors contributes in moulding one's self -esteem and they include; your own thoughts and perception, how others react to you, experiences at work, home, and in the community, disability, culture or religion and status in the society. But one good factor, is that your own thoughts have the biggest impact on your self-esteem. Also just like any other thing, healthy self -esteem can be learnt. So therefore, your journey to healthy self esteem begins with you.
1. Ask yourself this; What qualities do i need to possess to make me feel better about myself? Its no doubt that we humans have limitations in some areas of life. It could be in body features, knowledge capacity, skills etcetera, that is because no one is perfect. You might have a good body feature which others admire but also be unintelligent as some others. If this be the case, you can further develop your mental prowess by learning some more. In the case of enhancing your look, there are good options you can consider such as; exercising, eating healthy, practicing good hygiene and dressing smart .
2. Set goals:Self -esteem is further developed when you set goals that are meaningful and important to you,and you follow through to make it happen. It send a clear message to your brain that says " i can do all that i set my mind to do". With this feeling, you can achieve greater things.
3. Practice forgiveness: Often times, we act in ways that are beyond our control, and we often wish that the action was never carried out. But has we say, what has happened, has happened. The quicker we convince ourselves to let go,the better for us. Having an healthy self -esteem doesn't mean you won't fail or you won't find yourself in embarrassing moments. The question is; how do you handle it? Do you keep on dwelling on the mistake? If the answer to this is yes? Ask yourself, has that helped to change the situation, if no; then let it go for your mistakes don't define you.

Sunday 23 October 2016


It's funny how i have made this an habit, at the beginning of a new week, i write down a list of things i need to hold on to in order to make the week a fulfilling one. And it happens that this week unlike some others, i have no idea of how to go about it. So it's my decision to pray for God to guide me through it, and i will trust him to do that, i will act in love because love is all we need to make the world we live in a better place. I will research and learn something new,because it will bring solution to a problem. And i will smile,you know why? I look damn pretty when i smile. If you are just like me who don't have plans for this week, you just might need these steps.

Wednesday 19 October 2016


It isn't enough to be content with what you already known. You must attempt to deepen your understanding of the world around you. There is so much we can learn and this can be daunting but you can begin by asking yourself this question "What knowledge will help me move ahead?" Self growth is key for you to live a fulfilling life and have a successful career. There is always something new to learn, no matter how small or irrelevant it may appear. Not only do we benefit as individuals, but learning beyond school has a wide range and immeasurable benefit for everyone. Informal learning opportunities such as ; watching tv and i i don't mean just any program on tv, having intellectual conversations etcetera can be very helpful.   Advancement in technology has made learning very accessible, you can learn anything on the internet, including new skills. Online learning has to be the greatest revolution in contemporary education. It made a huge change in the system and opened great opportunities for everyone who wants to learn something. Though limit the unnecessary information you spend time engaging every day but rather go for knowledge that can help you succeed, that is why you need to subscribe to this blog because  living right leads to a successful and fulfilling life.  Successful people read constantly, but they don't read just anything. Bill Gates reads about 50 books per year, which breaks down to 1 per week. Also Mark Zuckerberg resolved to read a book every 2 weeks through out 2015. Scientific research from the 1990s now reveals that more than ever before, a challenged, stimulated brain may well be the key to a vibrant later life.
1. Availability of access to opportunities  :
learning something new gets you access to new opportunities such as a promotion, a better job, it can even make you  irreplaceable in your work place due to your knowledge capacity. and the chance to try new experiences that might be the best ones you have tried.
2. It can lead to high income:
You could potentially earn more money in your work life from learning a new skill or by developing one that links to the work you do. I know of a teacher who due to her knowledge in the use of  computer enabled her to earn a bonus of 25%  of her salary at the end of every term. This she does by typing and photocopying the school examination papers. So no knowledge is a waste .
3. It boost your self-esteem:
How do you think it feels, to able to speak in French language to a receptionist? Cool huh? Even though something seems hard and unachievable at first, you must try to see how far you can go. And chances are that when you start doing something you love, you can most certainly learn it with time.
4. You get to meet people:
Learning something new in a way leads you into meeting new people and this is as a result of an interest shared. This new friendship can enhance your social or work life.
There is nothing to loose when you learn but rather so much to gain. For more on posts on living right, do subscribe to our blog and be the first to see the latest. Adieus

Wednesday 12 October 2016

It takes more than speed to get to the finish line.

When i was growing up, i was told the story " The race between the tortoise and the rabbit", i know many are familiar with the story. It goes thus, one day, the rabbit and it's friend,tortoise decided to have a race to see  who run's the fastest. The race began with the rabbit speeding off, on getting close to the finish line, he turned back to see how far the tortoise has gone and he observed that the tortoise was very far behind. So he went for a short nap. The tortoise running slow and focused on the race got to the finish line. Before the rabbit could catch up with the tortoise, it was too late.Many times, in living our lives, we allow the lifestyle of others dictate how we ought to live. Humans are never the same, God has blessed us with different features, skills and talents. All these makes us unique, but it is sad that, most people would rather be like others than themselves. Just like the story above, would you rather be fast and unfocused as the rabbit or be slow and focused as the tortoise. Speed doesn't necessarily mean you will get to the finish line, because you can tripp off, get badly injured and that might be the end of the race. This also applies to issues relating to marriage, child bearing, child raising, career,e.t.c. This reminds me of when i tried to get into the university, it took me two years to get admitted and by then, most of my mates at high school were in their third year already. But the truth is that not all graduated and some others had an extra year or two. The point i am driving at is that, do not belittle others for what so ever reason because we all have elements of seeds in us, we can grow.

Sunday 9 October 2016


In life, we are always in need of one thing or another, we have dreams we want to see come into reality. And one thing with we humans is that, when a dream is conceived, we want it now. I would let you in on one secrete, when you have communicated the desires of your heart in prayer to God, you need not to worry,for in His great mercies, he has set an appointed time for that need of yours to be supplied. Could it be that you are in need of a job, a promotion, capital to set up that business, in need to meet that special person,in need of a child? It is good you trust God's timing, for he knows your every need and he has got your best interest at heart. Don't always try to figure out by yourself why these things haven't happened yet, don't have it in your head to use your strength to force things to happen because it will leave you frustrated. I remember the story of Abraham and Sarah, God promised to blessed them with a child. They waited for many years,till they were old, and Sarah felt it's not possible for a child to come from her again, for she was old. She suggested to her husband to have a child with her maid. She tried to help God, and when this happened, Ishmael was born. But that wasn't the promise child so there was a lot of troubles raising him because grace to do so wasn't provided. Soon later Isaac the promised child showed up and it felt right. Sometimes impatient pushes us to settle for less when great and mighty is what we deserve. It could be in the area of relationship, you know your spouse isn't right and ain't treating you right  but yet we hold unto that person for fear of not meeting another. But this is for you, let go of Ishmael and Isaac will show up.
Sometimes we might be forced to compare ourselves with others and it results to us being envious. Being envy is a sign that you don't trust God and his plans for your life. People make up their race in life and wonder why some others are taking the lead. But when you are running God's race in your life, you are in competition with no other . Just imagine a world where we all run our race and love  others. Love because for you to live above envy, you need LOVE.
                 Pamela Mogekwu